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Šumava National Park [ National park ]

A UNESCO biospheric reservation, included in an international network of the most precious territories in Europe.

The Boubínský Forest - a reservation already in 1858, the trees are 300 to 400 years old.

The Boubínské Lake - built in 1836 as an artificial reservoir for transporting the logs from the Boubín woods to a glassworks in Lenora.

The Plešné Lake - a glacier lake 40 m deep.

The Medvědí Path (The Bear Path) - an instructional path leading past bizarre rock formations, created by coarse granite weathering.

The Trojmezná Mountain - nature monument, a contiguous growth of spruce trees of a forest type with occurrences of rare plant species.


LAST MODIFY: uživatel č. 685 org. 2, 05.04.2005 v 11:15 hodin

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